I Love the water. I'm a Cancerian if that may have anything to do with it or not I don't know.
Vacations that involve blue clear water is a taste of Heaven for me. I hope there's water in Heaven. If I'm in the water I'm a camper.
"Blacks Beach", at the Sheraton on Maui, is has a public beach. No life guard on duty though. Only at the Pool if you're a guest. There's public restroom. Showers on the beach. Bar & food, fresh water.
You may Cliff Dive, Free-Dive, get some sun.
You'll need an Umbrella for sure. Being three thousand miles from the Equator is more than enough to be burnt badly in an our two. Don't be exposed more that an hour at a time. I wear a white long sleeve tea shirt. It keeps the sun off you back. Your legs will be burn if you ride the surface all day.
If you have your gear from www.snokelbobs.com you're set. March is the time if you go under the water deep enough you'll hear thousands of Whales talking. The Whales are migrating in March.
I do not recommend this for a beginner. If you have the experience swim around to the front edge of the hotel along the rock cliff. You cant touch bottom. The bottom is about 30 feet down. Swim along the cliff's edge to the center of the cliff and go straight down 15 -20 feet you'll, hear an "Opera of Whales" singing. As you can guess, you use the rock formation for the sound waves to reflect right in front of you.
The Whales are a few miles out. But, it sounds as if they are right in font of you. What's even more cool is you can't help but look for the Whales they sound so close. Moreover the deeper you dive the Louder it becomes. It's one of God's Blessings and a wonder of the World. TRIPPIN! I do not recommend this for a beginner
If you want to become an expert at Snorkeling and shallow (10 feet free-diving). Visit your local dive shop. They'll teach you how to adjust to pressure as you dive down. Your body requires less oxygen as your veins and vessels react as you go down. That's why people can go down for two to five minutes Free Diving. I'm not an expert. This is only a suggestion.
Ladies In Hawaii you may choose to wear light Make-Up during the day. Focus on skin protection during the day. I now offer on line Cosmetics Sales. Please click on my Widget to purchase your cosmetics. This a great way to purchase and save your time. If you know exactly what you'll be purchasing. Shopping on line for you back up supplies is fast and easy. Have fun shopping.
Happy Travels
Thomas M Cundiff
Your Space to Travel
Santa Cruz CA
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